Earlier this month, John Kelso, Head of Distributor Sales at VikingGenetics, visited Coopex and Umotest in France. During the visit, John had an opportunity to visit three high performing Montbéliarde farms.
Coopex Montbeliarde is one of the three breeds that is used in ProCROSS, a 3-breed rotational crossbreeding system combining VikingHolstein, VikingRed and Montbeliarde.
“This trip has proven to me that the Coopex Montbeliarde breed suits extremely well to the ProCROSS breeding strategy and compliments our VikingRed and VikingHolstein cows perfectly in one of the most unique and profitable dairy breeding strategies in the world,” says John.
“High health, longevity, minimal vet issues, high production and milk quality while also providing great beef value in their calves, impresses me greatly. Whether you’re focusing on high-value products, or high forage and grazing system, or your herd is a high input system, I can see every benefit to using the Montbeliarde and ProCROSS in any dairy farming system,” he adds.