VR Ferman
gNTM +36 genomic
(VR Fairway x VR Hopla x VR Favre)
VR Ferman is ideal for those who focus on high components, good general health, and ease of working with their cows. With impressive milk production and good persistency, VR Ferman provides healthy and long-living daughters.
The daughters are easy to work with due to their fast milking speed and good temperament. These cows are taller than average, and have strong feet and legs, along with good fore udder attachment and udder depth.
Expect the following traits from VR Ferman's daughters:
- High lifetime production
- High fat and protein percentages
- Good temperament
The grand dam was flushed three times, producing VR Virkild, VR Hjuve, and three flush contracts on heifers, along with her calves. VR Hjuve is now a proven sire with an impressive NTM +21.
The dam of VR Ferman is in her second lactation and has produced an average of 11,000 kg of milk and 1,050 kg of fat and protein over 1.3 years, with protein percentage at 3.93 % and fat percentage at 5.62 %.
The grand dam milked for 4.2 years, producing an impressive average of 10,114 kg of milk with 4.49 % protein and 6.47 % fat.
Breeder: Poul Dissing, Denmark
Beta Casein: A1/A2 Kappa Casein: AA