VH Shuba P
gNTM +38 genomic
(VH SlyPPRC x VH Phil P x VH Salty)
Do you want to boost the health of your herd and the quality of your milk? VH Shuba P is your new premier choice.
VH Shuba P stands out with a comprehensive health profile. He specialises in fertility, udder health, and youngstock survival and will improve the overall health of your herd.
His remarkable yield index promises good levels of milk and high components. His daughters will be medium-sized cows with excellent feet & legs and well-structured udders, equipped with strong ligaments and ideally sized and placed teats.
VH Shuba P's makes your cows more profitable and sustainable thanks to good longevity and superior feed efficiency. As a bonus, 50% of his offspring will be polled, reducing the need for dehorning.
VH Shuba P gives you:
- Higher levels of fat and protein in the milk.
- Healthy and feed-efficient cows with good longevity
- 50% polled offspring
The dam of VH Shuba P is now in her second lactation and pregnant again with her third calf. She has impressive production figures, averaging 10,000 kg of milk and high solids levels: 4.7% fat and 3.8% protein. In her first lactation, she was classified 87 overall and 89 on udders. His maternal granddam, sired by VH Salty, is close to finishing her fourth lactation and averages 10,900 kg with 3.8 % fat and 3.6 % protein.
VH Shuba P is bred in the herd of Vagn Kristensen, Denmark, and is also one of our November 2023 NewVikings.
Beta casein: A2A2 Kappa casein: BB