He also focuses on percentages in milk, longevity and production, and additionally with VikingRed, he looks at birth and calving index since the calves get a little bigger when using Montbeliarde.
This breed originates in France and therefore cannot be selected according to NTM, but to the French index, ISU.
When it comes to Montbeliarde, it is also important for Anders Kirch to choose bulls with a reasonable temperament, and they must have a production with good solids.
Furthermore, they must not be over medium in size as the ProCROSS animals may then become a bit big for the stable conditions.
Anders Kirch has chosen Montbeliarde due to high kg ECM and a high fertility score.
Anders Kirch looks forward to the ProCROSS herd being a reality and expects to have robust and healthy cows with good fertility.
Breeding takes time, but the first steps have now been taken on this farm in Denmark.