Ola Gård is an organic dairy farm and meat producer outside Uppsala, Sweden. We met Lasse and Sölvi Ekström and the new owner, Fredrik Murray, on a warm spring day. Lasse's family has owned Ola Gård for 90 years. He himself has run the farm for 42 years.
Thirty years ago, Lasse started thinking about crossbreeding his cows, like the routine breeding strategy for pig and chicken production. The idea was confirmed at the event Dairy Farm Days 2012 during a talk on ProCROSS. For Lasse and Sölvi, ProCROSS has been a mainstay of their herd since that day.
They currently milk 420 cows and raise 70 steers per year. Prior to starting with ProCROSS, only milk was produced on the farm. ProCROSS, in combination with a lot of natural pasture, has made it possible to also focus on meat production. "If it wasn't for ProCROSS, we wouldn't be breeding steers," says Lasse.