Expected Progeny Difference
- Trait Index Bull effect Average
- Milk kg, 305 days -393.7 11540
- Fat kg, 305 days -16.2 472
- Fat %, 305 days -0.03 4.1
- Protein kg, 305 days -6.0 404
- Protein %, 305 days 0.08 3.5
NAV proof run date: 01-01-1900
Reliability %
Number of daughters: 0
- Name Scientific name Symptoms Code Result
- BLAD Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLF = Not carrier, BLC = Single carrier, BLS = Double carrier) BLAD is an autosomal Read more (BLF = Not carrier, BLC = Single carrier, BLS = Double carrier) BLAD is an autosomal recessively inherited defect in the Holstein population. It is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, delayed wound healing and stunted growth. Calves with BLAD are more susceptible to infections and their lifespan varies, many die shortly after birth. Osborndale Ivanhoe (US 1189870) has been identified as the key ancestor of the disorder. Several widely used sires after Osborndale, eg. Penstate Ivanhoe Star (US 1441440) and Carlin-M Ivanhoe Bell (US 1667366) are carriers of BLAD. https://omia.org/OMIA000595/9913/ BLF Free
- HH1 Holstein Haplotype 1 (HH1F = Not carrier, HH1C = Single carrier, HH1S = Double carrier) HH1 is an autosomal Read more (HH1F = Not carrier, HH1C = Single carrier, HH1S = Double carrier) HH1 is an autosomal recessively inherited defect in the Holstein population. The disorder was identified in the North American Holstein population and primarily causes early embryonic death (spontaneous abortion), but abortion can occur throughout the gestation. The key ancestor is believed to be Pawnee Farm Arlinda Chief (US1427381). https://omia.org/OMIA000001/9913/ HH1F Free
- HH3 Holstein Haplotype 3 (HH3F = Not carrier, HH3C = Single carrier, HH3S = Double carrier) HH3 is an autosomal Read more (HH3F = Not carrier, HH3C = Single carrier, HH3S = Double carrier) HH3 is an autosomal recessively inherited defect in the Holstein population. The disorder has been identified in the North American and the Nordic Holstein population, however the frequency was somewhat lower in the Nordic population. HH3 primarily causes early embryonic death (spontaneous abortion), within the first 60 days of gestation. The key ancestors are believed to be Glendell Arlinda Chief (US 1556373) and Gray View Skyliner (US 1244845). https://omia.org/OMIA001824/9913/ HH3F Free
- HH4 Holstein Haplotype 4 (HH4F = Not carrier, HH4C = Single carrier, HH4S = Double carrier) HH4 is an autosomal Read more (HH4F = Not carrier, HH4C = Single carrier, HH4S = Double carrier) HH4 is an autosomal recessively inherited defect in the Holstein population. The disorder was identified in the French Holstein population and causes early embryonic death (spontaneous abortion). For animals that are a heterozygous for the gene, a reduction in fertility is seen. The effect is more pronounced in heifers than cows. The key ancestor is believed to be Besne Buck (FRA 4486041658). https://omia.org/OMIA001826/9913/ HH4F Free
- RP1 Progressive retinal degeneration (RP1F = Not carrier, RP1C = Single carrier, RP1S = Double carrier) Progressive retinal degeneration is Read more (RP1F = Not carrier, RP1C = Single carrier, RP1S = Double carrier) Progressive retinal degeneration is an autosomal recessively inherited defect. In the French Normande population, an association between homozygotic carrier animals of the RP1 gene and progressive blindness has been demonstrated. Blindness is due to a progressive degeneration of the photoreceptors. The RP1 mutation segregates within many cattle populations and is prevalent in e.g. the Finncattle population. For other breeds than Normande the phenotypic effect of the mutation is unclear. https://omia.org/OMIA000866/9913/ RP1F Free